Dr. Ferran Llansana

Dr. Ferran Llansana


"A nice smile is maintained with care, cleanliness and proper diagnosis"

Dr. Llansana is the Head of the Dental Aesthetics & Prosthodontics & Buccofacial Implantology Area of Excellence Dental. He is a professional who lives with passion for his work and it is great satisfaction for him to put his knowledge and art to improve the lives of his patients by transforming the smile, getting to generate beauty and increase their self-esteem.  which It will result in an improvement in the scope of your social relationships and greater success in your life.

Dr. Llansana has a long experience in the field of rehabilitation and smile design since he has got his education in the best schools of Oral Rehabilitation and Aesthetics worldwide (Barcelona, Brazil and New York) and also collaborates in one of the most prestigious clinics in Dental Aesthetics at the state level such as the Institut Autran.
Dr. Llansana is considered a leading specialist in the world of Dental Aesthetics. Great part of his time is devoted to conducting national conferences, teaching other dentists around the world how to perfect their smile design techniques to give their patients the excellence they deserve.
Dr. Llansana is an instructor at the Advanced Dental Institute (AADI) and also collaborates in Aesthetic Week that takes place every year at the University of New York (USA). He also collaborates as an instructor of the Dentsply Academy, taking courses in Ceramic Tiles. In Spain, he was selected to be a member of the exclusive Nobel Study Club (Nobel Biocare) and is also a member of the Dentared Expert Committee.

Academic background

• Degree in Odontology (University of Barcelona)

• Master in Oral Rehabilitation and Maxillofacial Prosthesis (University of Barcelona)

• Certificate in Cosmetic Dentistry & Oral Rehabilitation (New York University) 

• Nvision Smile Designer (Brazil) 

• Digital Smile Design Certificate Member


  • The Veneer effect Project. Microdentistry applications in dental Aesthetics. Portugal 2017
  • Mediterranean Days of Implantology Details to achieve the balance between soft tissues and the final restoration in implantology.  Barcelona 2016
  • Acaden Predictable results Workflow and Clinical-laboratory communication. Granada 2015
  • Modular Theoretical Modular Course of Smile Planning. Madrid 2015-2016
  • Dentsply Academy: Advanced Aesthetics in Ceramic Tiles: Sevilla 2015, Noia 2014, Madrid 2014
  • Professor of the Ceramic Module. AADI (Autran Advance Dental Institute) & NYU. (2010-2014)
  • Team Leader of Aesthetic Week. New York University (2013-2014)
  • Professor of Postgraduate in Basic Implantology. Ahoa Academy (2011-201

Scientific Activity

  • 2012 XXXIII National Congress and XIII International Congress of Dentistry and Stomatology, Madrid: "The influence of the choice of materials on the result of the previous aesthetic sector"
  • 2011 2nd prize SEPES Tarragona: "Strategy of carving for dark stumps according to the type of e-max CAD® block and cement chosen: Preliminary In-vitro study and clinical application"
  • 2009 FDM Barcelona: "Complications in hybrid prostheses"
  • 2008 SEPES Zaragoza: "Hybrid prostheses: Solution or problem?"

Articles in national journals

  • 2016. Llansana-FItó F. A fast and aesthetic approach to treat permanent anterior teeth with enamel hypoplasia. Clinical solutions in Odondology. 2016 ,.
  • 2015. Llansana-FItó F, Bosch-Aranda M, Sampol-Reus J. Maryland and Ceram X Duo composite restorations. A minimally invasive alternative to inferior implants. Clinical solutions in Dentistry. 2015, 3: 17-20

Professional associations

  • Spanish Society of Odontostomatological Prostheses (SEPES)
  • College of Odontoestomatólogos of the Balearic Islands

Professional merits

  • 2016 2nd Place IPSemax Smile Award
  • 2011 Accésit Sepes Joven Tarragona


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