Cati is in charge of patient care at Excellence Dental. She follows the evolution of your treatment, helps you to plan your appointments and she is at your disposal if you have any questions.
Academic training
Clinical assistant (1995) Cruz Roja, Palma de Mallorca
Patient Care Courses (2006)
Administrative courses (2006)
Blanqueamiento courses (2016) "Lacer", Palma de Mallorca
Periodontal Courses (2016) "Lacer", Palma de Mallorca
How should the person who has the first contact with the patient be?
This is the first person the patient sees, so this person should smile, be vital, have energy, be effective, have good communication skills and have the ability to handle complex situations.
What do you like most about working at Excellence Dental?
It is dynamic, with professional challenges, it is a successful family business.
What do you like to do when you're not working?
I like to walk, go to the cinema, fond of travelling and reading.
Tras la propuesta de desescalada por fases del Gobierno, estamos atendiendo visitas con cita previa y priorizando los tratamientos por dolor o infección.
Por un bien común, aplicamos estrictos protocolos de bioseguridad y regulamos el flujo de pacientes por lo que este mes de Mayo nuestro horario de visita será:
lunes-miércoles-viernes de 15:30 a 21:30 y martes-jueves de 9:00 a 15:00, siempre con cita previa
Progresivamente, iremos ampliando nuestro horario de visita al que era habitual
Agradecemos su responsabilidad y solidaridad