Replacing amalgams with resin fillings

Replacing amalgams with resin fillings

More effective and aesthetic

Replacing amalgams with resin fillings

Silver amalgam has been used for many years to restore decayed pieces. Although the process was effective, with the advancement of dental technology this technique became obsolete.

At Excellence Dental we can replace your old silver amalgams with white resins fillings. Additionally, white resins reinforce the tooth against fractures and are more aesthetic than amalgams.

The advantages of white resins over amalgams are several:

  • It is a non-reactive material, which means that it does not present any interaction or toxicity to the human body. It also does not have presence of heavy metals that can be harmful.
  • It is more conservative technique, the amount of healthy dental tissue that is removed with white resin is 60% lower. This is due to the fact that the resin adheres chemically to the enamel, avoiding necessity  to perforate extra cavities to guarantee mechanical fastening, as in the case with amalgams.
  • Because it is not a metal, it does not present oxidative, galvanic or corrosion processes.
  • Highly aesthetic results, since you can have a wide range of colours, with which we achieve an almost perfect integration with your tooth.

 Consult us without obligation, our medical team will attend you with pleasure.

Other treatments of Conservative dentistry

Testimonials and Success stories about Replacing amalgams with resin fillings

More effective and aesthetic

What is it about

Amalgam exchange for resin fillings

In Excellence Dental we can substitute your old silver amalgams with white resins. Additionally, white resins reinforce the tooth against fractures and they are more aesthetic than amalgams.

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