Immediately loaded dental implantes

Immediately loaded dental implantes

Your perfect smile just in one day

At Excellence Dental you have the possibility to get the best smile in the shortest possible time. With the immediately loaded dental implants, the same day you can enjoy your new teeth and make normal life in just 24 hours.

To begin, we make a study with 3D technology to avoid unexpected problems on the day of the intervention, such as the lack of bone. Once the treatment is determined and the implants are placed, the transformation of your mouth will take just one day.

Thus, at the end of the intervention, you will leave the clinic with your temporary fixed teeth. This is an advance of the treatment, reduction of discomfort and an operative result that will allow you to chew correctly in just one day.

If necessary, we have the option of applying conscious sedation techniques for those patients who require it. As we want to solve your problems with the best possible treatment.

At Excellence Dental, we are one of the best experts in implantology and oral rehabilitation in Mallorca.

Testimonials and Success stories about Immediately loaded dental implantes

Your perfect smile just in one day

What is it about

Implantes de carga inmediata

Muchos pacientes con el paso del tiempo han descuidado sus dientes y éstos se encuentran en mal estado debido a problemas de movilidad en los dientes (enfermedad periodontal), caries o incluso por traumatismos. Todos estos motivos hacen que uno o varios dientes ya no sean viables y tengan que ser extraídos causando un grave problema funcional y estético. Lo que lleva al gran problema de la falta de dientes.

Patient treated

Do you have doubts about the Immediately loaded dental implantes treatments?

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Because everyone has the right to smile
Finance your treatment.

At Excellence Dental we offer our patients very good payment conditions for any of our treatments.

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Do you want this smile?


Tras la propuesta de desescalada por fases del Gobierno, estamos atendiendo visitas con cita previa y priorizando los tratamientos por dolor o infección.

Por un bien común, aplicamos estrictos protocolos de bioseguridad y regulamos el flujo de pacientes por lo que este mes de Mayo nuestro horario de visita será:

lunes-miércoles-viernes de 15:30 a 21:30 y martes-jueves de 9:00 a 15:00, siempre con cita previa

Progresivamente, iremos ampliando nuestro horario de visita al que era habitual


Agradecemos su responsabilidad y solidaridad
